
AMAZON news & tips

 Amazon 2020 Highlights
05 Jan
Most businesses won’t remember 2020 fondly. The coronavirus pandemic resulted not only in huge loss of life, but also in market shifts. The most conspicuous fact is that while small businesses suffered, corporations flourished like never before. 644 American billionaires…
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 5 Amazon PPC Beginner Tips You Should Know
10 Oct
For new sellers entering the Amazon market, it can be a bit difficult to compete initially. According to Marketplacepulse (2019), Amazon has about 2.9 million sellers right now. That’s a lot of competition. That’s why a lot of sellers use…
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 The Difference between ASIN and SKU
06 Mar
I have noticed that most new sellers do not know what is the difference between an SKU and an ASIN and how they are related. These "codes" are crucial to fully understand the essence of selling on Amazon. So, let's…
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 All You Need to Know about
11 Nov
“Amazon’s Choice” badge Your success in selling on “Amazon” depends on many factors such as product and niche selection, photos/infographic, SEO optimized descriptions, back-end, good PPC advertising strategies and optimisations, cash flow, etc. In my opinion these things are commonly…
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 The right person to register your Amazon account
12 Oct
It doesn’t matter, whether you decide to register your “Amazon” account as a company or an individual, the “Amazon” account is ALWAYS linked to a person. It’s possible to change the information of the company, however, you cannot change the…
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 Amazon Listing Translations
09 Oct
This seems like a simple and self-explanatory thing but there still are some sellers who underestimate the value of translations. No matter which market you are selling in - listings should be translated by professionals. If you are selling in…
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 New Amazon Review System
30 Sep
You may have already noticed that Amazon has made a small update to its review system a few weeks ago. From now on, the buyer can leave not only a product review but also a rating. Rating is just stars,…
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 Advertising „Amazon“ products on „YOUTUBE“
24 Jun
Have you ever thought that you could reach 10 (made up number) times more specific audience on Youtube than on Facebook? While scrolling Facebook, a person notices your product. He sees it once or twice, maybe even three times. If…
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 Recent Suspensions for Giveaways
16 May
You’ve probably already noticed that “Amazon” has been suspending some sellers, who are doing giveaway. When it all started, everyone began panicking, because this strategy to give away products with 50-80% discount on social networks or by using third party…
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 PPC troubleshooting
08 May
The first step, which I always take when analyzing my clients’ products, is REVERSE ASIN SEARCH.Copy listing ASIN, open Helium 10 CEREBRO tool (2 uses a day are free of charge).Simple Reverse ASIN search displays a lot of information about…
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 Title optimization
26 Apr
I think every one of you knows the basic requirements for the title of the Listing. Every word must start with a capital letter (except articles like "a, and, for, with, as…"). At the beginning of the title, Amazon requires…
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 “Step by Step” PPC Structure set-up
20 Jan
I often receive the same questions about a new products’ PPC Campaigns structure I usually set up. I think it will be much more convenient to describe the simplified PPC advertising setup in the post. I can recommend a simple…
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